"Esther Square has released this great video with pictograms to commemorate this day, no one forget that the duties are not made. The message is clear we INCLUDING, we want a school for all and be part of this partnership with same rights as anyone else. "
We have assembled our winter market. It also may purchase the calendars. It will run until December 3.
calendars may continue to build on our association was the end of the market.
The funds raised will be used to rehabilitate our premises.
Our association is in Zaragoza, C / Maria Montessori, 9 local. The hours are Monday to Friday from 9.30 to 13.30 and from 17.00 to 19.30.
Many of our students with multiple disabilities are often limited in the sensory pathways that can be used to teach new skills or knowledge construction. Our students may be deaf, blind, have reduced tactile sensation, you can eat food and even a taste for the mouth or unable to be engaged in vestibular and proprioceptive, due to medical conditions such as orthostatic hypotension or brittle bones. This means that the sense of smell may be the most powerful means of accessing our students' skills.
Most of us sure to include the sense of smell in our cooking classes, through the vanilla extract or onion each to smell. But how can we include the sense of smell in other areas of the curriculum.
1. Consistently draw attention to the smell of the elements of natural settings, if you can associate the odor with another sense such as touch or hearing. Ask your student notice the smell of crayons, while the way they feel and make the moves for the coloration of the hand over hand. Notice the smell of the ball park as you roll and bounce it. Observe the odor or toothpaste and soap hands to perform activities of daily living.
2. If it is possible to consider embedding smell in a visual schedule board system calendar. A few drops of essential oil of evergreen as gardenia or you can add to the "outside" symbol, a kind of mint smell toothpasty adds the symbol of ADL or a lemon scent to the professional tasks that involve using cleaners with citrus aroma. (You can add flavorings to the symbols, placing a few drops in an oil-free cotton ball in a small bowl or plastic zip bag there on the back or the symbol.)
3. Ask try to stick to the same perfume, aftershave, lotion, perfume or deodorant or even students can associate a person with an odor.
4. Trying to integrate thematic units odors. Learning from India? Introduce each lesson with the smell of curry. Learn about gardening? Introduce each lesson with the smell of soil moisture (put some in a jar of baby food). Think about this when planning your drive.
5. The use of a systematic program (for example, every move counts) an evaluation of preference on the favorite scents of your student. Then You can use this scent to enhance learning activities. To change teaching purposes such as the use of an aroma diffuser and a driver environment.
6. Add a diffuser to scent your sensory area. Can be adapted to run the batteries with a battery switch for the use of switch or get a plug in version and use with a control unit of the environment. Some more expensive versions have a remote control, which means the devices can be programmed IR communication or environmental control units to execute the diffuser.
7. In making the sensory stimulation, sensory and educational activities to consider relaxing the use of aromas:
here are two links to recipes for making scented play dough
Cuervo Crafts (apple pie, cranberry, holiday, pumpkin, pumpkin spice)
Six Yummy Recipes (Rose, chocolate, jelly grape, pumpkin pie, peanut butter, mint)
scented test tubes
make and use the packets of rice flavored with heat
guess that the smell plays with food or other items
party items with a particular scent (bananas, very good) to the picture or symbol Add
perfume strips of magazine collages and art projects
search for "DIY perfumed", "craft aroma" or similar, to get the idea
Work Address
What is a termination of employment?
is a document which records the termination of the employment relationship between an employer and an employee.
Do I have to sign a release form?
Yes, it is mandatory subscription the respective termination of employment at the end of the employment relationship.
This must be in writing and the employer must maintain a copy of it in the workplace.
What should the settlement?
The remuneration of the last month of the employment contract
"must be paid in the settlement?
No, because it must be paid through a voucher, as is often done during the preceding months.
Who should sign the release?
The settlement must be signed by the employer or his representative and the employee.
To whom it ratifies the settlement working?
The settlement must be ratified before a minister of faith, which can be a notary, a registrar of the respective municipality, the municipal secretary or auditor of the corresponding Labour Inspectorate.
can also be ratified by the union president, it belonged to the worker, or the personal representative or association would have been his representative.
Why must be ratified before a minister of faith?
Because it is the only way that the parties are released from those obligations which are peculiar to the employment relationship.
The settlement ratified by these ministers of faith, as well as certified copies, give certain outstanding obligations therein established. This means that the party owed, recognizes this and is obligated to pay.
ratified The settlement is the only document that the employer or the employee may invoke to get rid of their obligations under the contract.
Why is it beneficial to ratify the settlement
the Labour Inspectorate?
Can claim after signing the settlement working?
Yes, there is a right to claim after signing the settlement, provided that the worker had left explicit right reserve.
This reservation of rights, establishing a reserve clause right to be specified in writing in the settlement and to establish what rights are concerned, for example: "I reserve the right to complain about overtime. "
Where records the reservation of rights?
written is left discharge in the same document or a document annexed to the settlement, provided it is signed by the employer or his representative, the worker and approved by a minister of faith.
How are the amounts set forth in the settlement?
The obligations outstanding at the end of the employment relationship, such as payment of compensation should be canceled immediately.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, the parties may agree to the deferred payment agreement, in which case it may be canceled in installments, upon determining the amount, date, time and location made this payment. It should note in the same document as this payment settlement, or in an annex as long as it is signed by both parties.
legal What value does this commitment to pay in installments?
If the termination of work has been ratified before an auditor of the Labour Inspectorate, the agreements will be enforceable Letter to the labor courts.
That is, before the employer's breach of the agreement, the employee may demand immediate payment by a short trial that may be made through lawyers that he determines.
is, a clause stipulating that the amount payable is due and that non-payment of the fees , whatever, will enable the worker to demand immediate payment of the debt in appropriate court, be enforceable under the agreement that was signed before the auditor of the Labour Inspectorate.
By ratifying the settlement on the Labour Inspectorate carried:
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Why should seek advice from an attorney in your business?
There are two hits in each business professional with whom you should expect.
An accountant and a lawyer.
The reasons for hiring an accountant are pretty obvious - need someone to help you set up your "chart of accounts," periodically review your income and expenses and that all tax returns are prepared and adjusted to reality and tax law vigente;
Pero la razón para la contratación de un abogado de negocios no es tan clara , sin embargo, el tener un asesor legal, puede ser muy evidente y efectivo.
Un buen abogado le proporcionará asistencia vital en casi todos los aspectos de su negocio, desde el cumplimiento de las normas básicas como asesoramiento de derechos de autor y marcas registradas y sobre todo conflictos de obligaciones y la responsabilidad asociada en cada negocio formal.
Algunos aspectos generales y/o reglas de cómo debe tratar con abogados:
common mistake EMPLOYERS
If you are sued, it is always too late. Most companies seek to postpone the hiring of a lawyer until a judicial receiver is standing at the door of your company or business, of course with a Summons, Petition or Complaint.
The time it takes to contact a good business lawyer, is always before being sued.
Once you have been notified of a complaint or a summons is usually too late, since the problem occurred, and it is only a matter of time, especially in the end will to pay the debt, the costs of the courts, lawyers, and other expenses to just get the resolution of the problem.
Regarding the Chilean judicial system is public knowledge that is easy to get to court, but very hard to leave once they have been "caught" by them.
Most lawyers agree that while nobody likes to pay monthly fees, also know that nobody likes to pay or deal with lawyers or temporary periods.
You should consider that the fees than a lawyer to keep you out of trouble, is only a small fraction of the fees they will charge a lawyer so you can leave these problems once they have occurred and you have been involved in them.
"I choose a law firm large or small ? In general, the larger the firm, and the greater the overload, the more are the hourly rates you will pay.
In the past 20 years, lawyers have become incredibly specialized due to the requirements of the market itself.
The undersigned counsel, as the team that advises, has all the needed legal skills "under one roof,"
lawyers Types
Asdoctors or dentists, today, lawyers are increasingly becoming specialists in their areas.
skills to look for in the study you choose.
Contracts. You need an attorney who can understand your business quickly; prepare standard form contracts you need with customers, suppliers, employees etc., and help you review and respond to contracts that other people and / or company you wish to subscribe.
Companies and organizations . You need an attorney who can help you decide whether your company is Limited or Limited, as to which is the best way to organize your business and prepare the necessary documentation to that effect.
Estate. Leases of commercial space such as offices and shops, are very complex and always drafted on behalf of the owner. They tend to be "Contracts of adhesion in forms, and always may be tempted to think that they are not negotiable.
is not so. Your lawyer should have a standard, which contains provisions that benefit you, that can be added in the lease document in printed form.
Taxes and licenses . While your accountant is who prepare and submit their tax returns each year, your attorney should know how to register your business and understand the tax consequences of transactions in this business.
Copyright . If your company is embedded in a medium, such as design or other creative-type businesses, is certainly a plus if your lawyer can help you register your products and services for the protection of trademark and copyright.
Business Disputes , litigation and dispute resolution
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