Monday, January 12, 2009

Possible To Get Period Without Blood

civil action is the action that seeks to pursue civil liabilities arising from the offense.

private prosecution is that action can only be exercised by the victim of crime.

public criminal action is that action which the State, through the Attorney General, must initiate the prosecution of a crime.

compensation agreements are those concluded between the accused and the victim of crime, if the judge approves the respective warranty, and may relate only to events under investigation that affect property available legal heritage character, less serious injury or tort (made unintentional) (art. 241 CPP).

is a written indictment under which gives rise to the hearing of oral trial preparation, to be included in a clear, precise and detailed the events for which participation is attributed to the accused. Hearing

detention hearing designed to determine the legality of the arrests, either by court order or because of cases of flagrante delicto. Hearing

formalization of research
This hearing is done so that the prosecutor brought to the attention of the accused, the Judge of Guarantee, the fact that he is carrying out an investigation against one or more specific offenses (art. 229 CPP). Hearing

trial preparation
public hearing where the prosecutor, the defense and the complainant discussed on the evidence to be presented at the trial, the facts will be proven and what evidence will be excluded from trial. In addition, the prosecution indicated it will be the subject of the trial. Conventions

is the agreement reached by the parties on the facts that will have been proven in the trial. Citation

Mechanism by which the court orders the presence of an accused, witness or expert, among others, ordered to report this resolution requiring their attendance. Defender

Public Criminal
public body responsible for granting legal aid lawyer to any person from the time it is accused of a crime and lack of counsel. National Ombudsman

is the paramount chief of the Public Defender's Office whose primary function is to direct, organize and manage the Office to ensure compliance of their objectives.

local public defender or defense
are lawyers hired by the state, responsible for defending the accused or even arrested since the first action against it is that lack of counsel. Report

is the communication that a person prosecutors, police or court Guarantee on an event that exhibits the characteristics of crime.

right to defense is the right of every person to seek the intervention of a lawyer to defend their rights before the courts.

arrested or accused of rights set forth in the Code of Criminal Procedure, by which seeks to protect and safeguard the minimum guarantees of a person whose participation in a criminal act being investigated or charged. Detention

Measure for which deprivation of liberty of a person for a specified time under a judicial decision in cases specified by law.

Stage Research Stage administrative nature which are carried out procedures and formalities leading to clarify the incident investigated. National Tax

is the paramount chief of the Public Ministry, whose main function is to organize, manage and monitor the proper functioning of the Attorney General.

Prosecutor or Deputy Prosecutor Attorney Public Ministry official in charge of conducting the investigation of an offense and, if the case warrants it, institute criminal proceedings in question. It also has the duty to assist and protect victims and witnesses of crime.

Charged Person who is credited with participation in a crime.
Oral proceedings

is one that takes place in one or more hearings continued, concentrated, oral and public, before a bench of three judges who know directly the prosecution, defense and evidence.

is the guarantee that every person has not be convicted without having been previously tried by a court. Judge

single judge whose fundamental role is to preserve respect for the guarantees and rights of the accused and the legality of the investigative process developed by the Public Prosecutor. Immediate Trial

It has the power to request the prosecutor at the hearing to formalize research (And when it is out of print), the immediate realization of the respective trial. Precautionary measures

are those restrictive measures at the request of the prosecutor or complainant, the judge can be applied to guarantee the person or property of the accused, in order to secure the end of the procedure.

Public Ministry and hierarchical
autonomous body whose function is to conduct research exclusively acts constituting a crime, and where appropriate, respective criminal action, and give protection to victims and witnesses. Experts

testify in court, who hold the feature of technical knowledge in science, art or craft determined, which enable them to techniques and qualified opinions on matters relevant to the decision of a trial. Chase

The act in which the prosecutor decides to initiate an investigation into a crime against public order, which has taken cognizance directly. Presumption of innocence

is the guiding principle of the new law, by which a person should be treated as innocent until a conviction is handed down against him. Principle of objectivity

legal taxation is vested in the Attorney General for the purposes of investigating and gathering, with the same zeal, the background of a crime which lead to establish the guilt of an accused as those who can prove their innocence.

principle is the right opportunity to have the Public Prosecutor not to initiate criminal prosecution or leave the already initiated when the offense is not seriously jeopardizes the public interest unless the minimum penalty assigned to the crime exceeds that of imprisonment or detention lower minimum degree or in the case of a crime committed by a public official in the exercise of their duties (art. 170 Criminal Procedure Code). Remand

measure affecting the right to personal liberty of the accused during a more or less prolonged period, a restriction that only applied when other preventive measures are inadequate to ensure the end of the procedure.

payment procedure is that which takes place before Judge Guarantee applies only to offenses shall be punished by a fine.

Simplified procedure is that which takes place before Judge Guarantee applies to hear about the faults and the facts constituting the misdemeanor for which the Public Prosecutor requiriere the imposition of a sentence that does not exceed imprisonment or imprisonment in its minimum degree, unless your hearing and determination are subjecting the abridged procedure. (Art. 388 CPP)

Expedited Procedure Under this procedure, the defendant, advised by counsel, may give free and informed of their right to have a trial, expressly accepting the facts contained in the indictment and the background underlying the investigation. To proceed it is necessary that the prosecutor requires the imposition of a penalty not exceeding five years. Plaintiff

is that victim, his legal representative or heir Probate lawsuit has concluded the process.

Written Complaint in which demand research, knowledge and punishment of crime. Annulment proceedings

Is one that is granted to invalidate the trial and the final decision or just this one, on the grounds expressly mentioned in the law (art. 373 and 374 Criminal Procedure Code).

adversarial system is that system of criminal prosecution in which they are separated the functions of investigation, prosecution and trial of a wrongful act, thus ensuring the impartiality, independence, equality and legality of the State's punitive action.

out alternative mechanisms are established by law, that under certain assumptions legal provenance, put an end to the proceedings without requiring the matter be known in a trial.

conditional procedure is the possibility to terminate the process by agreement made between the prosecutor and the accused, which is subject to approval by the respective Guarantee Judge provided that all relevant legal budgets (art. 237 Criminal Procedure Code)

adjudicate judicial resolution putting an end to criminal proceedings (dismissal) or suspends or stops certain process and certain legal grounds (temporary stay), (art. 250, 252 and 255 Criminal Procedure Code). Final Judgement

conviction is one that fails a trial resolving the disputed fact, establishing a penalty for the accused of the process. Final Judgement of acquittal

is one that fails a trial, resolving the disputed fact completely freeing the accused of the charges against him. Witnesses

is any person who had knowledge of crimes and whose testimony is relevant to the criminal conflict resolution.

trial Court
collegiate tribunal composed of three professional judges, whose work is performed in oral and public hearings, and its main function to hear and determine the matters brought to its attention. Victim

is the person offended by the commission of a crime.

What's More Expensive Blue Topaz Or Aquamarine

criminal procedure law Civil Procedure Concepts

civil procedural law procedural law

set of rules concerning the organization and allocation of the courts or the way to assert in court actions and how to ask the courts to intervene in acts of voluntary jurisdiction .

Procedure Law Procedural laws are those governing the organization and competence of the courts and the substantiation of the processes. Autos

are general rules, issued by the High Courts of Justice (Supreme Court and Court of Appeals), designed to regulate matters relating to the operation of Courts are not sufficiently specified by law and are necessary for the proper administration of justice. Jurisdiction

public function by the competent organs of the State, as required by law, and under which, for the trial event, determine the rights of the parties, in order to settle their conflicts and legally relevant disputes through decisions of res judicata, subject to execution according to their content. Couture

Jurisdiction. Legal definition
The power to hear civil and criminal, judge and to execute judgments belongs exclusively to the courts legally established. Article 1 COT

Stage This first stage, the court notes the claims of the parties, as well as his defenses and evidence in support of them.

trial stage means to resolve the dispute or legal controversy, work up to the task to the judge at his sentencing. Execution stage

The execution of a sentence means the ability to accomplish what she has resolved to effect even using force if necessary.

Affairs administrative-contentious administrative affairs are those conflicts that arise between any particular and the Central Government to the consequences of any administrative act.

non-contentious legal acts
non-contentious legal acts are those which by law require the intervention of the judge and not to promote a contest between parties. Article 817. Summary information

means test summary information of any kind, delivered without notice or intervention and without gainsaying term marking of evidence. Article 818. Faculties

conservative powers are those given to the courts to ensure compliance with the Constitution and laws, as well as to provide protection to the constitutional guarantees. Disciplinary Powers

These powers include the powers set both the Constitution and the laws grant to the courts to maintain internal order and protect the judiciary, correcting the mistakes and abuses that might be committed by officials as legal persons appearing before them.

disciplinary Complaint Any person affected by any error or abuse committed by a judicial officer, whenever she was not committed in rendering a decision, may appeal to the respective superior, to put it soon remedy the infringement and attesting to the officer who committed it. Appeal for Redress

is the one through which affected parties have a misdemeanor or gross abuse incurred by an individual or collegiate court in rendering a final or interlocutory halt the trial or make it impossible to continue and not appealable ordinary or extraordinary, to the respective supervisor (Supreme Court, Court of Appeal) the correction, making quick remedy to bad editing and applying that ruling improperly any disciplinary action.

economic faculties Faculties
economic or internal order are those under which the judiciary, through its relevant bodies, issues general regulations for the proper administration of justice. With the exercise of these powers tend to get a better and more effective judicial service. Equivalent

courts are all those means which the law recognizes the ability to resolve conflicts between parties, without resort to court and, in some cases, even without resorting to a trial.

Conciliation court is equivalent to that achieved through the resolution of a dispute between parties by mutual agreement, obtained in a process with the active participation of the judge. Drainage

The compromise differs from conciliation in that he obtained legally, without any intervention of the judge, who takes note of its existence through a presentation that made the litigants by agreement. In these cases the court simply to be aware of the compromise and terminate the merit of his trial.

Transaction is a contract whereby the parties end extrajudicial beware pending litigation or possible litigation. The doctrine and jurisprudence adding another requirement: "that the parties made reciprocal concessions."

ordinary courts
As stated in article 5 of the COT are those who are responsible for knowledge of all legal matters which may arise in the temporal order within the territory of the Republic, of whatever nature or quality of people involved in them, except as legal and constitutional. Here are the lyrics Courts, the Courts of Appeals and the Supreme Court. Special courts

are those who know only of matters which by their nature or quality of people involved in them, the legislature has expressly entrusted to them his knowledge.

arbitral tribunals Are those who know only of the materials for which have been designated by the parties or by the ordinary court grant, in cases where the law authorizes or requires its establishment, for example. : Partition of property.

Law Courts are all must resolve the issues submitted to it by law.

Courts of equity are those that resolve each case in accordance with their deepest: the arbitrators arbitrators. Courts

permanent are those that are always up to the knowledge of matters within its jurisdiction (rule). Courts

are accidental those born to hear a particular case, such arbitrators. Instance

Each of the jurisdictional levels of a process in which the court knows the facts and law. Legality

organic aspect contemplates that: a) the existence of the courts, b) the basic rules concerning the appointment of judges and c) the organization and powers of the courts shall be determined by an organic constitutional law, having Transitional Article 5 of the Constitution of the Republic that while this law is enacted will serve as the current COT

Legality in the functional aspect
In Chile the courts are the law in two ways: they can only exercise its authority on the issues and within the territory assigned to them by law, and the exercise of jurisdiction must be in compliance with the rules by the Constitution and the law , the causes must fail strictly subject to the merit of the process. Immobility

According to Article 77 of the Constitution, means that judges hold office during good behavior. Ministerial responsibility

criminal judges are personally responsible for the crimes of bribery, lack of substantial compliance on laws that govern the proceedings, denial and twisted justice, and in general, any transgression incurred in the performance of their duties. Territoriality

courts may exercise their power in business and within the territory that the law has assigned respectively. Article 7 COT

Judges are obliged to live constantly in the city or town where the tribunal has its seat in which they must provide their services, but the Court of Appeals may authorize in specific cases to judges reside in a different place.

No court may take cognizance of cases pending or business before another court, unless the law expressly confers this power. Article 8 COT

courts may not exercise his ministry but at the request of a party, except where the law is empowered to proceed ex officio. Sought to intervene in a legal and business within its jurisdiction, may not excuse to exercise his authority or even lack of law to resolve the dispute submitted for decision. Article 10 COT

Competition Competition is the right of each court to hear matters that the law has placed within the scope of their powers. Article 108.

absolute Competition Rules of absolute competition are those that are required to establish the hierarchy of the court to take cognizance of a particular case, according to the subject matter of the amount thereof and of personal jurisdiction. Competition

on Competition for is to determine from among the courts of the same rank to which one is going to match the knowledge of a particular case for which addresses the element area.

natural Competition Competition
natural is that which is established in law by the competition rules and absolute.

Competition Competition is one that gets extended court that is not naturally to try a case, which takes place when the parties expressly or tacitly agree to submit their dispute to a tribunal different from that to which naturally corresponds to the knowledge according to the rules of competition.

Competition Competition
own self is the one that is already a court hearing a case for natural competence or extended.
Competition Competition
company is one that a court is seised of a matter over to another court to practice it within its territory one or more precise measures. Rule

Settled filing under the law the knowledge of a business before a competent court, this competition is not altered by supervening cause. Article 109. Rule

Once set under competition law of a lower court to determine at first instance of a particular case, is equally determined that the superior court must hear the same case on appeal. Article 110. Rule

The court has jurisdiction to hear a case it is just to hear all the incidents that he promoted. It is also to deal with issues that may arise by way of counterclaim or compensation, but understanding of these issues, given its size, has correspond to a lower court if they engage separately. Article 111. Rule

prevention or inexcusable
Whenever by law has jurisdiction in the same case two or more courts, none of the knowledge may be waived under the pretext of other tribunals that might hear the same case, but the which has prevented the knowledge excludes the other, which has since ceased to be competent. Article 112.

rule execution Execution of orders for the courts that a decision on first or only resort. However, the trial courts of appeals, appeal or review, implement the decisions that enacted for the substantiation of these resources. May also order payment of costs due to the officials who took part in them reserving the remaining costs to be ordered by the court of first instance. Article 113.

Determination of the amount
In civil cases the amount of matter is determined by the value of the thing in dispute.
In criminal cases is determined by the sentence that the crime carries. Article 115.

Extension of jurisdiction
The prorogation is the act by which the disputing parties to confer jurisdiction on a court to who knows of a case over which naturally has no such jurisdiction. Courts

letters are those courts, sole proprietorships, lawyers, law, standing, exercising jurisdiction in a municipality or group of communes that the law has given and that have jurisdiction at first instance all matters promoted in its territory and which are not expressly given by law to other courts and also to hear non-contentious judicial acts for which the law expressly grants them jurisdiction.

exceptional personal courts are personal courts, lawyers, law, that jurisdiction is exercised by a member of a collegiate court, either by investing the office of President of that court or whose turn preset, and its jurisdictional territory the same as that of the Court that is part and competition that shaped you specific points of law.

Appeals Courts are courts, colleges, counsel, legal and permanent, which exercise jurisdiction within the territory of which the law says, which is typically a region or a part of it, accounting for the fullness of competition Secondly, and knowledge in first or only instance of the law those matters expressly entrusted to them. When

delay means that there exists
delay is understood that when divided by the total number of cases in state table, as well as appeals to be known account, by the number of rooms that make up the tribunal, it is a number over 100.

Relationship The relationship is the systematic oral presentation to be made to the Special Court to enable it to be internalized enough of the content of the matter to be resolved.

Allegations The allegations are the oral defense lawyers can make empowered to exercise the profession as well as applicants for lawyers who are making respective practice in legal aid corporations created by law 17,795, attaching certificate accrediting them as such. Lawyers should exhibit its patent by day.

Supreme Court is a court of law, legal, law, learning, which has jurisdiction over the entire territory of the Republic, also wielded the executive, correctional and economic information on all courts in the country, with the exception of out in Article 79 of the Constitution (Constitutional Court, Electoral Court, the regional electoral courts and military courts in times of war) to be its primary mission court in order to meet the exclusive and exclusionary form of appeals to review the background and it has its headquarters in the city of Santiago and is the immediate superior of all the Courts of Appeals. Referees

The umpires are natural persons, which may or not the quality of lawyers who accidentally and spend time to play judicial office under appointment fallen upon them by agreement of the parties in the ordinary justice into a grant or by appointment of the testator, who give jurisdiction over a dispute be determined on a subject that the legislature expressly assigns the competence of arbitrators or on any matter that the law allows to remove the knowledge of an ordinary court and give his knowledge. Referees

These rights must necessarily be lawyers in the exercise of their functions should be subject both to the procedural rules relating to the determination of the process according to the nature of the suit filed, and shall issue their judgments in accordance with the substantive rules applicable. Referees

arbitrators or conciliators
need not be attorneys and must comply with regard to the determination of the process to the rules agreed by the parties and, secondarily, to the basic rules for handling under Articles 637 and following of the CPC, must make their decisions in accordance with the rules of prudence and equity stipulate. Referees

referees are entitled to those where the law allows, the parties give them powers of arbitrator in respect to the determination of the trial, but their sentences should be imposed according to law. Commitment

is a convention whereby the parties subtracted from the knowledge of certain litigation matters courts, present or future, for submission to the jurisdiction of one or more arbitrators appointed in the same act. Arbitration clause

It is a contract whereby the parties agree to remove the jurisdiction of the courts certain present or future litigation matters for submission to the knowledge of an arbitrator that they themselves are obliged to designate future.

Implications and challenges are certain facts or circumstances that may go over the judges in general, as well as auxiliaries of the Administration of Justice and legal experts, and by which the law presumes a lack of impartiality person who is affected to judge or intervene in a particular business within its jurisdiction, thus prohibited from participating in it (implication) or enables the party to whom the alleged misconduct could affect of impartiality, to request in appropriate proceedings provided that this prohibition on specific business (disqualification).

secretaries are ministers responsible for authorizing public trust, except legal exceptions, all orders, shipments and acts issued by the court to which they belong, and to guard the process and all documents and papers that are presented.

Notaries Notaries are public faith ministers responsible for drafting, licensing and keep on file the instruments to be accorded to them, to give interested parties the evidence that they ask and practice other measures that the law assigned. Article COT 399

Lawyers Lawyers are people covered by the competent authority the power to defend before the courts the rights of the parties. Article 520 Prosecution COT

A successive set of acts of the parties to a conflict of legal relevance of certain third parties and the court, gradually developed to the latter, according to the rules of procedure that the law in every case points, through which the judge performs judicial functions entrusted to the State, the exercise usually ends with the issuance of the final decision, which it entered the solution controversial. Budget process

For procedural prerequisites must understand all the elements that are essential in the existence of the process itself, to its validity. Budgets

existence procedural (1) A court
(2) A legal disputes
(3) natural or legal existence of the parties
procedural validity

Budgets (1) The existence of a competent court
(2) The ability of the parties
(3) The legal formalities are completed

parties in general are among the subjects which produces the relevant dispute or conflict legal and are known by the name of plaintiff and defendant in the civil lawsuit as plaintiff or defendant or defendant in criminal cases.

direct parties are those who start the race, establishing the appropriate action or are forced to endure the procedural relationship for having directed the action against him or since, by express provision of the law should assume the role of plaintiff or defendant, on pain of incurring the penalties that she embodies.

indirect or third parties
are those people who volunteer to process, after the initiation of this, having claims on it, what they can do this at any stage of the proceedings respecting what was done. Third

aids are those that have a direct interest in the outcome of the trial, harmonious with that of the plaintiff or the defendant. Third

exclusive rights are those that are inconsistent with the plaintiff and defendant on the matter at issue.

independent third parties are those who have an interest in the separate issue from that of the plaintiff and defendant, but not incompatible, those who can affect the outcome of the trial. Cases

Article 18 of CPC
This suggests that in a same trial may intervene as plaintiffs or defendants several People in the following cases:
(1) Where several plaintiffs
deducted the same action (a) where the actions emanating from the same event
(3) Whenever appropriate for many or against many, in cases authorized First

law. Ability to be part
may be part of a process any natural or legal entities and certain legal establishment to which the law recognizes this ability, such as the vacant inheritance.

Segundo. Ability to stand trial or standing
personal fitness is that the law requires a subject for it to appear in court as plaintiff, defendant or third party and is to be constitutive of exercise capacity in the field trial. Third

. Ius postulandi
fitness is that the law only recognizes those people who considers qualified to act before the courts, both contentious and non contentious matters.

attorney sponsorship is a mandate by which the management of a non-adversarial process or entrusted to a lawyer authorized to practice the profession to defend their claims before the courts.

The injunction is an agreement by which a person instructs another to represent the Courts of Justice in a non-adversarial process or management.

is a quasi-informal, under which a given person appears before a court assuming the representation of another and offering subsequent ratification of the action taken by the principal, thus yielding a guarantee (this guarantee is called bail while).

Action Action is the legal power that attends every subject of right of recourse to the courts of justice, in the manner prescribed by law, in order to bring the judicial activity of these through the process, so that resolve the final decision whether the claim that it contains should be or not to host.

The claim involves the assertion of a right which states have sought to be recognized and to the lack of it by a third party.

Boasting Boasting is one procedure whereby, if a person indicates that corresponds to a right which anyone not enjoying, it empowers anyone who can boast that affect, to appear in court to respective order to oblige the boastful to deduct the corresponding demand within ten days, within which may be extended by the court within thirty days, for good reason.

The exception
The exception is the legal power to assist the defendant to cause the exercise of jurisdiction getting through it to the attention of the court his counterclaim. Exceptions

They seek the correction of the procedure, ie that the existence of sanitation services that preclude the existence of a valid procedure. Enumeration

dilatory exceptions (Article 303)
(1) The incompetence of the court;
(2) The inability of the applicant or of attorney or legal representation that appears in your name;
(3) The lis pendens;
(4) The inability of the libel, for not meeting demand with any requirements prescribed by law;
(5) Benefit of discussion;
(6) In general, all tending to correct the procedure, without affecting the merits of the suit filed.

are all those who seek to destroy the claim of the party and are therefore lead many as substantial legal relationship discussed in the process. Done

legal proceedings is that event which produces legal effects in the process. Procedural legal facts are classified as accidental, natural or properly such procedural and legal facts or legal acts voluntary process.

procedural legal act is the legal fact voluntary, issued by the parties, certain third parties or the court, aimed at giving birth, modify or terminate the proceedings. Terms

From legal point of view of time are set by law, the court or the parties to exercise a particular power or perform any act procedural legal proceedings. From this point of view the time schedule is made legal process.

judicial proceedings are procedural legal acts performed by the court or to him by the parties or certain third parties, which should be left evidence in the record, duly authorized by the Secretary. Requirements

a) should be performed in days and hours
b) should be made of the action in the process
c) should be authorized by a minister of faith
d) must be carried by the official law in each case indicates

form as may be made for the practice of judicial
a) flat. In this case the judge simply allowed the measure without notification to the contrary, this in exceptional cases and to avoid precisely that the coach is frustrated, as the case of a precaution.
b) Knowingly. It gives rise to the practice of acting upon notification of the counterpart of the resolution that authorizes it.
c) subpoena. Action is authorized to practice once Within three days after notified to the contrary that care who it affects and said nothing.
d) hearing. There are certain acts which only may be allowed on the practice of having care given to the party moving. If the party does not answer, the judge rightfully decide, if opposed, it will generate an incident properly.

The Warrants are written communications for which a court is hearing a case instructs the execution of certain other legal proceedings must be conducted within the territory of the latter, such as taking depositions of witnesses residing in the territory the court urged.

notifications process are those legal acts which are intended to inform the parties of a third process or a particular court decision or other proceeding accurate.

Personal service consists in making delivery to the person notified of a complete copy of the resolution and the request that she has fallen, as written.

notification card is delivering the address of the notified document containing a full copy of the resolution and the data needed for successful intelligence.

status notification is to include daily
resolution to be reported in a state to be formed and set daily in the clerk of court with the information specified by law. Notice

is one that occurs when the party who must be notified at a specific resolution process takes place in any action that involves having knowledge of that resolution. Judgments

are those legal acts emanating from the tribunal process, through which progressive course this gives the file and resolve the matter in controversy in both the process and the ancillary issues that are promoted during the processing.

decree, order or supplied
is called decree, order or provided that, without fail on incidents or procedures as a basis for rendering a sentence, is only to determine or fix the substantiation of the process.
are those resolutions that are intended to provide a progressive course to the Court, without deciding not to prejudge any issue discussed between the parties. Auto

car is called the resolution lies in an incident not included in the preceding paragraph.
are those resolutions that resolve an incident without establishing permanent rights for the parties. Interlocutory Judgement

interlocutory sentence which is an incident of the trial fails, setting permanent rights for the parties, or decides on a process that should underpin the rendering a final or interlocutory.

The detachment effect is that according to which reported an interim ruling to a party, the court ruled that you can not change or alter in any way, as provided in Article 182 of CPC Final Judgement

the final decision terminating the proceedings, resolving the question or issue that has been the subject of the trial. Article 158

precautionary procedures are those ancillary procedures, aimed at ensuring effective definite process by which they can access. Measures referred

preliminary measures are those acts legal proceedings, before the process itself, which aim to prepare the entry to it, having diligently practice some evidence in advance or to ensure the practical result of the action that is intended deduction.

preliminary preparatory measures. Concept.
procedural legal acts are those above the actual process aimed at preparing the entry to it.

preliminary preparatory measures. Enumeration
(a) Affidavit on a fact about the potential of the defendant to stand trial, or his personality or the names and addresses of their representatives.
(b) The display of anything that has to be the subject of the action that seeks to engage.
(c) Affidavit or display of the simple title holder of the thing.
(d) Display of statements, wills, inventories, appraisals, title or other public or private instruments that by their nature may be of interest to different people.
(e) Exhibition of books of accounts relating to transactions in which the applicant has a part.
(f) Recognition jury placed in a private firm.
(g) Establishment of judicial representative. Measures referred

evidence. Concept
procedural legal acts are those above the process itself, which aim to provide early practice taking of evidence, when founded fear that they may not be effectively carried out in the procedural question. Measures

evidentiary rulings. Enumeration
(a) visual inspection, audit report and certificate
(b) Forgiveness
positions (c) Witness statements referred

precautionary measures.
concept referred precautionary measures are procedural legal acts, prior to the process itself, which are specifically designed to ensure the practical result of action that is intended to infer future.

preliminary precautionary measures. Enumeration
Article 290 and following of the CPC
a) The seizure of the thing subject of the complaint;
b) The appointment of one or more inspectors;
c) Retention of certain goods;
d) The ban on acts or contracts for certain goods.

The kidnapping of the thing subject of the complaint
Sequestration is the deposit of a thing to two or more individuals competing in the hands of another who must return to obtaining a decision in its favor (Article 2249 Civil Code) .

Auditor Auditor is that judicial person appointed by the court in order to keep track of receipts and expenditures of the goods subject to intervention and give notice of any misuse or abuse note on property management.

specific assets is a precautionary measure that aims to conserve money or other movable property held by the plaintiff, defendant or third party, in the situations provided by law.

The ban on acts or contracts for goods certain
is a precautionary measure is to prohibit the defendant from holding events or contracts for specific assets of your estate.

Demand Demand is the procedural act of actor, under which it exercises the action by submitting to the knowledge of the court's claim to be recognized a right that has been disregarded or impaired.

demand requirements
Article 254. The application must contain:
1 ° The appointment of the court who is brought;
2 The name, address and profession or occupation of the plaintiff and the people who represent it, and the nature of representation;
3 The name , address and profession or occupation of the defendant;
4 ° The clear statement of the facts and legal grounds on which it rests, and
5 The precise and clear enunciation, as reflected in the conclusion of the applications before the court ruling. Location

The site is a notice attached to the order that the defendant appears to the court within a specified period for having drawn a lawsuit against you or for having filed a procedural remedy. Counterclaim

demand is clear that the defendant against the plaintiff in the same procedure and the time to answer the original complaint. Test

is the demonstration by the means provided by law, the certainty of a fact that has been controversial and that is the foundation of law that is intended. Term

The term probative evidence is within the law provides to enable the parties to perform their tests, especially the testimonial. Evidence

are those elements that serve to convince the judge of the existence of any fact alleged in the process.

Document Document or instrument or instruments in general is any written notice of a fact. Public Instrument

is the competent official authorized by the legal formalities. Private Instrument

private is any written instrument which records an event, given by individuals without the intervention of a public official in that capacity. Witnesses

Witnesses are those
unauthorized personnel to the process itself, which declare under oath about the verification of certain facts that controvert the trial, which have been informed directly or by another person said. Delete

The studs are the means which the law points to the parties to enforce in court disabilities that may affect one or more witnesses to testify presented certain contrary.

Confession Confession is one form of evidence that is explicit recognition or tactical makes a person of the truth of any act contrary to their interests.

ocular inspection or court staff
is one form of evidence consists of the consideration by the court on its own facts and circumstances at issue in the process materials to be convinced about its truth.

The expert report in evidence is that consisting of the opinion that drains into the process a third party stranger to himself who, by having special knowledge of any science or art, is in a position to render an opinion on certain disputed facts which by their nature, the judge is not in a position to appreciate its own.

The expert report is the letter by which the expert draws the attention of court work and the technical or scientific conclusion to which he reached on the item or subject matter expertise.

Assumptions The assumption is that evidence which is the result of a logical operation by which the law or the judge, based on a known fact, he inferred or implied from another fact unknown and controversial in the process.

requirements of the final decision. Article 170.
The final judgments only first-or second-instance and amend or revoke in part the other courts, will contain:
1. ° The precise description of the parties, home and profession or occupation;
2. ° The brief statement of the petitions or action brought by the plaintiff and its foundations;
3. ° Same statement of exceptions or defenses alleged by the defendant;
4. ° The findings of fact or of law that underlie the decision;
5. ° The enunciation of the laws, and in the absence of the principles of equity, under which pronounced the verdict, and
6. ° The decision of the controversial issue . This decision should include all the claims and defenses have been asserted at trial, but may be omitted from the resolution of those which are incompatible with accepted.

Forms abnormal termination of the process
1. Conciliation. Management is through which the trial judge seeks the parties reach an agreement all or part of proceedings in which the judge plays an active role and can express opinions without knowing then unfit to the process, such an agreement is not obtained.
2. The transaction. It is a contract whereby the parties end to litigation pending or beware eventual trial, mutual concessions are made.
3. The settlement. Consists of the agreement made directly between the parties of a process, which is embodied in a letter presented to the court, in which not only recorded the terms of that compromise, asks the court approval and held as a final decision for all legal purposes.
4. The withdrawal of the claim. It is an abnormal form of terminating a process is the withdrawal of the complaint by the actor after she has been legally notified the defendant, prior notice is not locked the procedural relationship and the applicant may withdraw without withdrawal amount.
5. The abandonment of the procedure. This occurs when all parties are in the process have stopped pursuing it for six months from the date of the last decision rendered in any management progressive course useful to give the file. When

means a resolution signed or executed
Article 174. Means a resolution signed or executed since been served on the parties if no appeal against it, and, otherwise, since it is reported that the decree ordering the execution, after completion of the net resources , or from the expiry of all periods that the law provides for such remedies, without any enforced by the parties. In the latter case of final judgments, the secretary shall certify the fact of the court after the ruling, which is considered final from now without further proceedings.

According to Espinoza Fuentes, firm means the sentence can not be attacked by any remedy, either because
1. no appeal against a case in which it is executed from the time they are notified to the parties;
2. or because such resources by proceeding against the ruling
· They have not been brought within the legal deadlines, in which case, if this is final judgments, the court clerk must certify the fact, considering enforceable from the time the decision , or because, having been brought
· resources granted by law, they have already finished a case in which the sentence is notify executory since the decree ordering the execution. Incidents

Any matter incidental trial ruling requiring special hearing of the parties, be treated as incident and be subject to the rules of this title, if not prescribed by law special handling. Article 82.

Incident is any matter incidental to a process that requires a special court ruling. Competition issues

special incidents are usually promoted by the defendant in a process through which asserts the incompetence of the court requesting that the case is filed against the other, which he estimates legally competent. Inhibitory

competition is one incident in which the party appeals court that had jurisdiction to hear the case, requesting that he direct a trade to one which is hearing the case, asking him to disqualify himself from continuing to forward her and history. Pleas

incident is that competition is made in court that is hearing the case and estimated incompetent, requesting leave to meet the process and submit the records to another court which had jurisdiction.

Implications and challenges are certain facts or circumstances that may go on Judges in general, as well as auxiliaries of the Administration of Justice and legal experts, of which the law presumes a lack of impartiality of the person who is affected to judge or intervene in it (implication) or empowers the party who could harm the alleged lack of impartiality, to request in appropriate proceedings provided that this prohibition on specific business (disqualification).

Withdrawal of claim
particular incident is one which the plaintiff of a process, after the demand has been duly notified to the contrary, asks the court to have waived the claim for deduction.

summary procedure is that an ordinary declarative procedure to be applied to all cases where the suit filed required, by their nature, rapid processing to be effective, provided there is no special procedure for her and the other cases stipulated by law.

summary action for possession or possessory interdicts
are those procedures established by law to enforce them possessory actions provided for in civil law. Complaint

amparo possessory
possessory interdict is that whereby a person who has been disturbed or molested in their possession or who has tried to disturb or annoy in this possession, the court resorted to pretending be granted security against the harm that rightly fears. That is, asking it to protect him in his possession. Complaint

refund possessory
is that by which a person has been deprived of possession that held real estate or real rights therein constituted by acts of a third party seeks recovery of such possession. Complaint

reset possessory
possessory complaint is that whereby a person who has been deprived of possession or violently to the mere possession of a property or real rights therein made available sought reinstatement in the posesión o mera tenencia.

Denuncia de obra nueva
Es aquel procedimiento especial a través del cual una persona hace valer la acción posesoria encaminada a obtener la suspensión inmediata de toda obra nueva de que resulte o pueda resultar menos cabo o perjuicio para ella en el goce de la posesión que tiene sobre ciertos bienes.

Denuncia de obra ruinosa
Ea aquel interdicto posesorio a través del cual una persona hace valer la acción posesoria encaminada a obtener la destrucción de una obra ruinosa que cause o pueda causar perjuicios en el goce de la posesión que esa persona tiene sobre ciertos bienes.

Derecho legal de retención
Es el derecho que le asiste a una persona required to serve a thing, to retain in its possession until you are satisfied certain credits. Citing

Citing procedural eviction is one whereby the buyer of a species makes to inform the seller of the same result of having been sued in connection therewith, for acts committed prior to the sale, the purpose of appearing to defend that process. Trials

finance processes are those in which it is party or has an interest the Treasury and the knowledge of the law gives it to the courts. Inventory

solemn solemn Inventory is one that is constructed after the judge's decree, the official competent legal requirements.

possession of the inheritance
is no dispute that judicial act by which the heirs of a deceased apply to a court recognizes them as such, which just concluded with the statement that access to that request.

Executive action litigation is a general or special application and special processing is pursued through which forced compliance with an obligation contained in a reliable and undoubted title.

Requirements for appropriate enforcement proceedings
a) That the obligation whose performance in question contained in an enforcement order, or to which the law granted the right of execution.
b) The obligation is now due.
c) The obligation is:
· LIQUES in the case of obligations to deliver;
· determine in the case of obligations to do;
· likely to become the destruction of work done in the case of obligations not to
d) that executive action is not required.
e) That there is a legal link between creditor and debtor. Executive Title

enforcement order is one document that accounts for an undoubted right, to which the law attributes the sufficiency necessary to enforce forced of the obligation contained therein. Enumerating

(1) final and interlocutory judgments firm or final.
(2) An official copy of the deed.
(3) Minutes of settlement.
(4) The private instruments.
(5) judicial confession.
(6) Any bearer or registered form, lawfully issued, representing obligations due and overdue coupons of such securities also provided the stamps match the titles and the latter with the stubs.
(7) Any other evidence which give law enforcement the character.
(8) Article 435.

preparatory steps of the executive. Enumeration.
a) Recognition of signs placed in a private,
b) Judicial notice of protest letter, note or check any of the obligors;
c) Confession of debt
d) Confrontation of securities and coupons,
f) Validation of foreign judgments;
g) Notice of executive title to the heirs of the debtor. Embargo

procedural stage is that by which a certifying officer to be real or symbolic delivery of goods belonging to a debtor, the depositary is appointed, in order that such property is paid to the creditor, whether the species themselves or with the product yielding the top of them. Turn

a contract is through justice, which is delivered to the creditor a movable or immovable property seized in an execution, to be paid for by their fruits.

Executive action by obligations to
enforcement procedure is the one through which the creditor seeks forced compliance with an obligation involving the execution of any event.

Third party in
third party with an executive in an executive are those interventions that take place in this process at the same claiming unauthorized personnel control over the seized property, possession thereof, preferential right to be paid or entitled to attend the payment in the absence of other goods. In the first case the third party is called the domain, the second office, in the third priority, and the fourth payment.

third party that third party is the executive trial in which a stranger to the process itself, is as it made its claim to be recognized as owner of the species that claims to have seized.

third party in possession is that by which a third party stranger to executive action requesting that it appears to lift the embargo and respect for their possession on property that has been the subject of this because at the time which was performed, the species was found in his possession and therefore should be presumed to your domain.

third party is one in which a party external to appear at this trial by invoking executive as a creditor of the debtor and pretending to be paid in priority to the performer with the product of the auction.

third party payment is one for which a third party, non-privileged creditor, an executive involved in claiming the right to compete for the payment proceeds of assets seized in the absence of other assets and pro rata to their claims.

procedural remedy which the law grants the party is believed injured by a court order for her to be modified or lifted. Appeal

is an ordinary appeal that the party must be brought before the same court issued an order or decree, in order that it may amend or rescind vitiated by an error. Appeal

is that of an ordinary judicial appeal, by which it is intended that the High Court as amended, pursuant to law, the lower resolution. Article 186 of the CPC made

is the means which the law grants to the parties who been aggrieved by the decision of a lower court that the appeal provides for higher-order directly to amend the resolution in accordance with law. Appeal

The appeal is that means that the law gives the parties a process for the invalidation of a sentence when it contains errors of form or has been rendered in a process handled procedurally flawed (appeal in the form) or, when that sentence has been issued in violation of law that has substantially influenced the device itself (appeal in the background.)

is half the law granting the parties a trial for invalidation of a sentence in cases expressly presets.

Appeal in the form
legal remedy is that which seeks the invalidation of a sentence, having been given this with the omission of any statutory requirements or, having been rendered in proceedings which is not complied with the essential procedures and formalities provided for by law.

requirements of the appeal comes in the form
1. The applicant must be part of the process in which the decision was taken;
2. The contested decision must be a final or interlocutory ruling terminates its proceedings or makes it impossible to continue or an interim 2 nd instance passed without the injured party site or unsecured day for the hearing of the case;
3. The law should provide the service in question as the basis of the appeal in form;
4. The appellant must have timely claimed that affects vice practicing in all grades the remedies provided by law, ie the action must be prepared;
5. That statement must have caused the plaintiff an injury or damage repairable only with the invalidation of the failure or defect in question must have substantially influenced the decision device;
6. The appeal must be deducted in the legal opportunity for, and
7. The appeal must be filed before the same court that issued the sentence against which are used, the corresponding document must comply with the requirements established by law for that purpose. Causal

why the appeal should be in the form

Article 768 of CPC (1) Have been the sentence pronounced by court without jurisdiction or built in violation of the provisions of the law.
(2) Have been pronounced by a judge, or with the concurrence of a judge legally involved, or whose disqualification is pending or has been declared by the competent court.
(3) Have been agreed at the collegiate courts by fewer votes or less pronounced by number of judges required by law or with the concurrence of judges who did not attend the hearing of the case, and vice versa.
(4) Having been given ultrapetita, that is, providing more than requested by the parties, and extending to points not subject to the court's decision, notwithstanding that it has the power to rule by law in the cases determined by law.
(5) have been uttered with the omission of any of the requirements listed in Article 170 of the CPC
(6) Having been given another run against the authority of res judicata, provided it is timely claimed at the trial.
(7) Contain conflicting decisions.
(8) Being given on appeal unsuccessful legal, prescribed or withdrawn: in this case there was no appeal and therefore the sentence was inappropriate.
(9) have missed a step or proceeding declared essential by law or other requirement failing which expressly prevent laws are invalid. Essential Steps

the first or only resort.
(1) The location of the parties in the manner prescribed by law;
(2) the called party to conciliation, where appropriate under the law;
(3) the receipt of the cause test when the procedure is permissible in accordance with the law: that is, when there material facts, relevant and controversial
(4) the practice of taking of evidence whose absence could result in helplessness;
(5) the aggregation of instruments duly presented by the parties under subpoena or statutory warning is in respect of that against who are present;
(6) the summons or notice to any measure of inquiry, and
(7) the summons to hear final decision, except in those cases in which the law provides no such procedure;

Essential Steps second instance
(1) The location of the parties made before the top of appeals;
(2) the aggregation of instruments duly presented by the parties under subpoena or statutory warning is in respect of that against which they appear;
(3) the summons to hear sentence, on appeal it is equivalent to the view the cause;
(4) setting the table cause in the manner described in Article 163;
(5) receiving the test result, the practice of taking of evidence whose absence may cause helplessness and citation or notice for some measure of inquiry, where the case to receive evidence on appeal by the standard have been applied Article 207.

Cassation in the form of trade
is that faculty which the law gives the superior courts to invalidate any sentence when they, knowing of a matter by way of appeal, reference, appeal or any incident, warning that has been incurred some of the defects giving rise to the appeal form, however, that no appeal has been deducted based on the service.

Appeal in the bottom half
challenge is one that aims to invalidate certain decisions when they have been delivered in violation of law, when the offense has substantially influenced the decision device.

procedure is a legal act of aggrieved party to certain judicial decisions, for the Supreme Court that invalidated by failure to act in violation of law that has substantially influenced the decision device, and replace them with another that the law is properly applied. Appeal

review is that resource which aims to get the Supreme Court invalidated a final sentence, when a final decision emanating from it was obtained fraudulently or unfairly, of having attended any of the services that the law expressly states .

Grounds of judicial review

Article 810 1. The award has been based on false documents declared by final sentence handed down the sentence after it is reviewed.
2. If the sentence was pronounced on the basis of evidence of witnesses and they have been convicted of perjury, especially given the statements that formed the basis for the sentence.
3. If the final decision has been gained unfairly under bribery, violence or other fraudulent scheme, whose existence has been declared by court term.
4. If the sentence was pronounced against each other in last res judicata and was not claimed at the trial which led to the final decision. Resource

is an extraordinary remedy that is to get the Court Supreme Court, in exercise of the powers granted by the conservative Constitution of the Republic, declare that a particular legal provision should not be applied to a specific case would be contrary to the Magna Carta. Protective Action

The application for protection is that action which the Constitution grants any person who, with consequences of an action or omission suffered arbitrary or unlawful deprivation, disruption or threat to the free exercise of constitutional rights mentioned by the Article 20 of the Constitution, to appeal to the Court of Appeals of the respective jurisdiction to this court to adopt the immediate measures it deems necessary to restore the rule of law and ensure adequate protection of the affected. Replica

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the accusations

"One way you speak, otherwise you live ...." Even before Christ the Roman philosopher Seneca, stated this is reflected in the attitude to this day certain accusers.


Famous Quotes

The biggest hindrance in life is waiting for the morning and the loss today.

matter much what you think of yourself that what others think of you.

is divided in three times the life: past, present and future. Of these, this is very short, the future uncertain, the past, right.

We dare not many things because they are difficult, but are difficult because we dare not make.

The language of truth should be, no doubt, simple and without tricks.

A man without passion is so close to the stupidity that just needs to open his mouth to fall into it.

who do not want to live, but between righteous living in the desert.

Friendship is always helpful, sometimes love hurts.

The height of unhappiness is afraid of something, when nothing expected.

Nature has given us the seeds of knowledge, not knowledge itself. Review

Philosopher Hispano. Belonged to a wealthy family in the province of the Roman Empire Andalusia. His father was a rhetorician of prestige, as dialectical skill was appreciated then by the Scholastics, and made sure that the education of his son in Rome include a strong background in the arts of rhetoric, but Seneca was equally attracted by the philosophy, receiving lessons from several teachers who started in the various forms of popular Stoic doctrine then in Rome. Embarked on a career politics, was a distinguished lawyer and was appointed quaestor.

His fame, however, upset Caligula, who was about to sentence him at 39. Going up the throne Claudio, 41, was banished to Corsica, accused of adultery with a niece of the emperor. Eight years later he was called back to Rome as tutor of the young Nero and when he succeeded Claudius in 54, became one of his top advisers, a post he held until, at 62, seeing his power diminished , retired from public life.

In 65 was accused of involvement in the conspiracy of Piso, with perspective according to some sources, succeed to the throne to Nero himself, he ordered suicide Seneca decision adopted as final release from the sufferings of this world, according to his own philosophy.

In general, his doctrine was that of the ancient Stoics, although in many respects, she joined her own personal vision and to the opposing school of thinkers such as Epicurus, who often quoted in terms Passing; made but this does not exemplify the eclectic spirit and synthetic characteristic of the "stoicism new" proper to its period, which was the greatest exponent.

Philosophy was for him a fundamentally practical matter, whose main objective was to direct men to virtue, informing them of the knowledge of the nature of the world and their place in it for that to make them capable of guiding their lives According to the divine. In this sense, logic and physics provide a foundation for ethics but do not take place, but are subordinate to it as they were already in ancient Stoicism, the latter, Seneca provides effort to persuade the duty applies to to act and think straight, rather than to prove the truth of a set of normative ethical statements.

It uses for this purpose vivid description of the benefits of virtue and the disadvantages of vice, on the understanding that all goods and evils of this world are transient self-sufficiency lies the true scholar, who, to get it, must free themselves from their emotions, judgments wrong about the value of things.

Seneca's moral tone is laden with religious accents are closer to theism and led to think about the possibility of being Christian, a fact he tried to prove through a supposed correspondence with St. Paul, who turned out to be apocryphal .

In his writings on natural science was, in particular the earthquakes and their relation to the volcanoes, but in general, collected the opinions of the ancients on various issues, added some interesting personal reflections, as the prediction of a future explanation of comets as true celestial bodies.

was also the author of nine plays, inspired by classical Greek models, which are, in fact, studies of emotional stress they are subjected to the characters, intended to be read rather than represented, likewise wrote a masterly and biting satire of the deification of the emperor Claudius.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Ikusa Otome Suvia 3 Ova

Lucius Annaeus Seneca "contracts of adhesion" and the problems faced by the consumer


is not nothing new since the codification of the Civil Code in 1855 by Don Andres Bello, which came into force on January 1, 1857, it took classical forms of recruitment.

Today we find that from the ideological revolution our society has been the product of open borders and global markets, standards have emerged, such as the Consumer Protection Act, which comes to innovation in greater depth the issues of supply and membership recruitment, highlighting the problems of modern society like ours today.

To the author, occurs first, the best position of the bidder (usually a company looking for consolidation or expansion of the market claim) and at the same time a crisis in the autonomy of will suffered by the contractor. We must remember that generally the teaching of these contracts are called contracts without a subject.

From the first name of "contracts of adhesion" doctrinal positions have emerged almost always found on the themes of nature, concept and legal characteristics. Some in favor of simplicity and others against, the latter is the thesis that protects the author.

is why they try to give a clear view of the problem, my position and finally the different perceptions that must address this problem, it will begin to unravel this complex web

CHAPTER 1 .- Contracts These definitions found in the Royal Academy of the English language, will allow us to get into the various meanings of this word.

About this term we can find various meanings,

1.1 .- Contract

This comes from the Latin contractus. " Covenant, or agreement, oral or written, between parties who are bound over matter or thing, and whose compliance can be compelled. Also called the document containing the terms of this agreement.

Types of Contracts:

... .. random. contract in which one of the benefits is a casualty or appropriate; p. eg., the insurance contract
... .... Which gives rise to obligations between the parties.

... ... enclosed. Which, in case of dismissal, requires very high compensation

... ... commutative. bilateral contract in which mutual benefits are determined and in this sense is opposed to gaming contract.

... ... consensual. Which is perfected by mere consent.

... ... agency. Which, in return for payment, requires a professional or a business to promote, and if complete, continuously trading operations for and on behalf of others.

hire ... .... lease deal.

... ... sharecropping. The temporarily lease requiring a certain good in exchange for a share of the profits from their exploitation.

... ... arbitration. Commitment to submit to the decision of one or more arbitrators to settle a present or future dispute, we enforce the arbitration award and prevents known to judges and courts.

... ... lease, the lease is a contract whereby one parties, called landlord requires delivery of a thing to its counterpart, the lessee, has a name and place of the owner, and use and enjoy it, paying the landlord a fee for the same.
The price may consist of a sum of money paid at once or in a periodic amount, which in this case is called income.
... ... lease and driving. That by which a person is obliged to perform work or provide a service to another using a certain price.

exchange ... .... That by virtue of which someone receives a certain amount of money to be made available or who order delivery, distinct people, for which given letter or warrant.

... ... commission merchant. Which is to conclude a commercial transaction on behalf of others, where one of the contractors have the legal status of merchant.
... .... Loan for use, with the obligation to return the thing lent in a certain period.

... ... of sale, or purchase and sale ~. Which aims at delivering a particular thing in exchange for a certain price.

... ... brokerage. Which requires a party to provide or promote, in exchange for a commission, the conclusion of a contract between the other party and another party.

... ... checking account. Agreement between two traders who seeks the netting in a given date of reciprocal claims arising from their business relationships.

... ... bank current account. Which imposes an obligation to make bank payments and collections on behalf of his client.

... ... en participation. One for which a person contributes by providing capital in the operations of another, becoming a participant in its prosperous or adverse outcomes in the proportion that both determined.

deposit ... .... Agreement to ensure the custody of a chattel of others, which requires that the recipient's obligation to return the thing as required by the person making the delivery.

... ... irregular deposit. He who seeks money and involves the ability to make use of it and the obligation to repay an amount equal to that received.

... ... miserable deposit or deposit required ~. Which, to be imposed by law or by a situation of need suffered by the depositor determines aggravating the criminal liability of the depositary in the case of appropriation of the things stored.

... ... discount. That by transmitting a credit claim, usually expressed in a document, in exchange for a cash price calculated by a rebate or discount on the value of the claim at the time of maturity.

donation ... .... Which is formed by the free will to convey one thing to accept such a transfer

... ... bail. Which establishes the obligation to pay or enforced by a third party should not do this.

... ... location and driving. Mutual agreement under which obliges the owner of a thing, movable or immovable, to give someone the use and enjoyment of it by time determined by a price or service has to satisfy the recipient.

... ... of work. Which lasts until the end of a particular job.

... ... of redemption. Convention incidental to the purchase and sale agreement, whereby the buyer agrees to reimburse the seller for the thing sold, through recovery, within a certain time or without time limit, the price they gave for it.

... ... of society. Which requires two or more people to pool money, goods or services, to achieve a common goal, usually profitable.

... ... emphyteuticus. The commutative, by which a property owner gives the useful domain, reserving direct, in recognition of which require the payment of a fee period, which Laudemio for each sale of that domain, and sometimes other benefits.

... ... nameless. That no suit those who are named in the law, held the parties using the freedom to agree.

... ... expensive. Which involves some consideration

... ... perfect. One who has all the requirements for full legal

... ... real. He who for the birth of obligations requires not only consent, delivery of things like the simple loan, loan, pledge and deposit.

... ... synallagmatic. bilateral contract.

... ... trill. Combining ancient and simulated company contracts, transfer or purchase and safe, which involved a loan and was held to circumvent usury laws and interest rate.

... ... unilateral. That they are born obligations of the parties, as the loan or deposit.

... ... almost / quasi.

1.2 .- Treatment of contracts in our Civil Code: The convention is the agreement of wills that lies on any agreement that seeks to create, alter or extinguish any right, designed to produce effects, ie to regulate the rights of the parties. It was a bilateral or multilateral business since the contest required two or more wills. Is the gender with regard to contracts. The contract applies to any agreement of wills recognized by civil law, intended to create obligations enforceable civilly

Andrés Bello pose confusing contracts with the convention without separating the relationship of genera / species in them.

This possibly motivated by the time the code was dictated, as the dynamics of that time did not to this distinction.

This topic found in the articles that come in the following definition: Art

1438. Contract or agreement is an act by which a party undertakes to another to give, do or not do something. Each party may be one or many people. Art

1439. The contract is unilateral when one party is obligated to not contract with another obligation, and bilateral, when the contracting parties obligate themselves reciprocally. Art

1440. The contract is free or charity when only concerns the usefulness of a party, the other suffering the charge, and costly, where it is to the utility of both contracting taxed each other's benefit. Art

1441. The onerous contract is commutative, where each of the parties undertakes to give or do something that is regarded as equivalent to what the other party must give or do turn, and if the equivalent is a gain contingency uncertain or loss, is called random. Art

1442. The main contract when Subsisting itself without need for another convention, and accessories, where it is to ensure the fulfillment of an obligation, so that it can not survive without it. Art

1443. The contract is real time, to be perfect, we need the tradition of the thing referred to, is solemn when subject to compliance with certain special formalities, so that without them does not produce any civil effect, and it is consensual when perfected by mere consent.

· consensual, is perfected by mere consent
· Royal: You must deliver the thing Tradition, use Loan, loan
· Solemn: Certain special formalities so that without them no civil effects

Art 1444. Differ in each contract, the things that are of its essence, which are of their nature, and purely accidental. Are the essence of a contract for those things without which or no effect, or degenerates into another separate contract, are the the nature of a contract not to be essential in it, are understood to belong, without a special clause, and incidental to a contract are those that neither essential nor naturally belong, and which are added by means of special provisions.
continued on next post ....

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In short contracts are legal acts which a person is obliged to give another to do or not do something. The contract does not extinguish the obligation, to his rights and obligations arise. Art
1438. Contract or agreement is an act by which a party undertakes for another to give, do or not do something. Each party may be one or many people.

Regarding your reference to parties, either party may be one or more people. Section 55. They are people all individuals of the human species, whatever their age, sex, race or status. Divide in Chile and abroad and on the other things are of type material (tangible and intangible)

Article 565. The assets consist of tangible or intangible. Body are those with a real person and can be perceived by the senses, like a house, a book. Intangible consisting merely of rights, such as credit, and easements active.

1.3 .- Our legislation Contracts can be classified as follows: 1.3.1 .-

Unilateral and Bilateral (Art. 1439) Art

1439. The contract is unilateral when one party is obligated to not contract with another obligation, and bilateral, when the contracting parties obligate themselves reciprocally. Unilateral

: Those in which one party undertakes to the other that no liability whatsoever, for example, mutual, deposit, bond, etc. Bilateral

: Those contracts which the contracting parties mutually undertake, for example, the sale, lease, etc.

The importance of classification in unilateral We appreciate bilateral in three situations, namely:

Regarding the conditions precedent, the majority opinion that the doctrine operates only in bilateral contracts.

know that "the failure to pay the arrears purge." That is, while some do not, or not to fulfill their duty flat, the other is not in default. Accordingly, the contract is not fulfilled except operates only in bilateral contracts.

On the theory of risk, hazard problem exists only in the bilateral, unilateral because the general rule applies that is when things die for their owner.

1.3.2 .- Free and Onerous (Art. 1440 and 1441) Art

1440. The contract is free or charity when only concerns the usefulness of a party, the other suffering the charge, and costly, where it is to the utility of both Contracting taxed to benefit each other. Art

1441. The onerous contract is commutative, where each of the parties undertakes to give or do something that is regarded as equivalent to what the other party must give or do turn, and if the equivalent is a gain contingency uncertain or loss, is called random. Free

or charity: those that only concern the usefulness of a party, suffering the other, a lien, for example, the grant contract. Generally, unilateral contracts are free. Onerous

: those that concern the utility of both Contracting taxed to benefit each other, for example, the sales contract, lease, etc. Generally bilateral contracts are onerous.

onerous contracts are sub classified into: (According to Provision)

commutative: the contract is onerous when each party is obligated to give, do or not do something that is regarded as equivalent to what the other party must, in turn, give, do or not do something. Random

: Those in which the equivalent for a party is in the "alia", which is an uncertain contingency gain or loss, for example in the insurance contract, the annuity contract, etc.

The importance of classification in free and expensive, we can appreciate in the following situations:

For purposes of pauliana action if the contract is free, require only fraud by the debtor, but it is expensive, fraud should be on the debtor and the third.

For determining the degree of guilt for the execution debtor, if the contract is onerous is liable for ordinary negligence. If the contract is free stands for whose benefit the contract.

If only see the benefit of the debtor, responds very slight fault.

If you just look for the creditor is liable for negligence.

Generally, contracts are intuito personae free while they are not expensive.

Sanitation of eviction is appropriate only in onerous contracts.

The importance of commutative and random classification can be seen in the following cases:

enormous respect of the injury, it only comes in commutative.
On the theory of unpredictability, it only comes in commutative.
continued on next post ....

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1.3 In summary 3 .- Main & Accessories (Art. 1442) Chapter 2 .-

1.3.3 .- Main & Accessories (Art. 1442) Art

1442. The main contract when Subsisting itself without need for another convention, and accessories, where it is to ensure the fulfillment of an obligation, so that it can not survive without it.

Principal: whoever survives by itself, without any need for another convention.

Accessory: One who is to ensure the fulfillment of an obligation, so that can not exist without the principal obligation.

But what about the contracts that are ancillary to another but that does not seek to ensure compliance with an obligation? Is there an accessory contract as such?

The doctrine has called these ancillary contracts that ensure the fulfillment of an obligation or dependent contracts. It could be said to be "a kind of accessory contract," but in fact are not accessories because there is a bond, only a relationship of dependency. An example of these contracts are dependent on the marriage.

is important to note that no major ancillary contracts can not stand. Not that there may exist, because in fact there are no contracts accessories before there is the main contract and if the main contract did not exist, the accessory contract will subsist.

We must remember the legal maxim that says "This accessory is the fate of the main thing."

The effectiveness of a contract is measured by the outcome of this.

Good faith is the inner, concept of values \u200b\u200band morals, good customs, this is basic in our basic law and any contract must be the intention of the parties. Will

between two parties, consent, Will is in the Code of Commerce

1.3.4 .- Elements of the contracts

a) Essential (without which life is born to the right or degenerates into other different)

b) Nature (Belong to act without a special clause)

c) Accidental (not belong to neither essential nor act naturally, but are incorporated into this by special clauses) These are called modalities, forms or ways of being special legal acts

Here we find:

· Condition
· Deadline
· Mode
· Representation: What a person performs on behalf of another to be empowered by it or by law to represent it. The effects represented in the same way that if he had acted

Our Civil Code in its article asserts, Art

1444. Differ in each contract, the things that are of its essence, which are of their nature, and purely accidental.

are the essence of a contract for those things without which or no effect, or degenerates into another separate contract;

are of the nature of a contract, not to be essential in it, are understood to belong, without a special clause, and are accidental

a contract neither essential nor those that naturally belong, and which are added by means of special provisions. Effects related

: Only for parties.
Freedom of choice: Basic principle of the right of individuals.
The state contracts are subject because it is public and not private law therefore does not involve the freedom of choice.

1.3.5 .- Sources of contracts:

· Will
• The Law
· Interpretation of it. Art

1445. To compel a person to another by an act or declaration of will is necessary: \u200b\u200b1. who is legally capable, 2. consenting to the act or declaration and consent is not vitiated 3. falling upon a lawful object, 4. having a lawful cause.

legal capacity of a person consists in being able to bind itself, and without the ministry or other authorization.

requirements of the act

Existence and Validity

Existence: The love inside of a wearer performing an act or contract, the voluntariness refers only to contracts but to all acts of bilateralism that have that character and all acts

Purpose: Subject matter and will be borne by an act of Dar do or not do,
object is a thing to be given or delivered or a fact that should / Cause

: Pothier, the cause is equal to the obligations, the reason of such act or contract, the classical doctrine considers that any act or contract requires as essential to its legal existence not only the expression of will and an object, but also a cause

tender solemnity Only when the law establishes validity

no vices

Capacity Will

Cause Lawful Lawful Purpose

1.3.6 .- legal capacity: Capacity

General Rule: the full capacity, but the legislature puts some obstacles for the purpose of protecting the performing certain acts or contracts which are not present discernment.

measures are Protection Code.

If it is you can have a relative nullity since it affects the state or quality of the parts.
in the following publication ....

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Wills Agreement

CHAPTER 2 .- Wills Agreement

If one party prepares the contents of the contract establishing their terms and the other party only accepts in its entirety this content, we face two positions :

a) One who claims that the unilateral will consolidate the legal act, the other party to only one recipient, therefore there is really a contract position that the author endorses.

b) On the other hand, under other current state that no longer exists the contract although the position of one party dominance in its implementation has without a priori can be established that there will defect.

doctrine and jurisprudence has leaned more to the second argument, and in systematically considered as contracts of adhesion in which the main obstacle is the agreement as a condition for the formation of contracts, and leaving a second flat object, such contracts are characterized by the form of acceptance and constitution. Theses that do not share as demonstrated in the following chapters and we intend to demonstrate our thesis.

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CHAPTER 3 .- Types of Interpretation of Contracts. CHAPTER 4 .-

CHAPTER 3 .- Types Interpretation of Contracts.

3.1 .- Definition of the word interpretation.

The word in our language interpretation has its origin in the linguistic history which interpretatio derived from Latin, meaning in English corresponds to the action and effect to interpret. Following

optics and as we are concerned most doctrinaire, the contract interpretation is generally classified as:

3.2 .- Authentic Interpretation:

those who perform it and emanates from the parties themselves who held an contract, arises from his words and his deeds, in which the contractors conclude agree on a business establishment or determination of terms, meanings, values \u200b\u200band purposes that are intended to establish the interpretation of a previous contract, displacing the need to interpret the previous contract as a direct object.

3.3 .- The Interpretation of Doctrine:

As its name implies, is one that is issued by lawyers with moral force, scientific, and that our duty is generally used by judges to influence their decisions, being equivalent to a prediction of what they can fail if the case goes to his knowledge

In turn, this classification is subdivided by several authors in declarative extensive or restrictive.

declarative interpretation is that which arises directly from the terms of the contract, the average broad interpretation when the contract has said unless the parties set out to do and the restrictive interpretation is when all is said more than parties intended to conduct.

Our legal reality, is most often used by judges to the study of a question concerning the interpretation of contracts, and later base their judgments and thus make judicial interpretation.

3.4 .- The Judicial Interpretation:

is ultimately the judges check or courts, when a controversial issue is brought before them. Is the one that puts an end to an issue that is discussed in judicial, being in fact the last performers taking the political system of our reality, and logically compelling those to take the appropriate tools for a correct interpretation of contract, without prejudice to the claims of contractors and the legal nature of the business object decision.

This classification of interpretations, is the effect of which would establish the scope of the interpretive process taking into account one of those, because it is crucial to the interpretation to be placed first one of these classes, and later from the other elements that have standards or guidelines for interpreting and interpretive principles, and with this, try to do a better job of contractual interpretation

3.5 .- Recipient of

Interpretation Within the task of interpretation of a contract, there is also the problem of establishing who is the recipient of the same, the parties entered into an agreement or the judge. Most authors state that the recipient is the judge, because ultimately always correspond to a person with judicial power to rule on the contractual intent of the contracting parties.
notes in this respect: there is no doubt that ultimately the last word to the judge, but this is not sufficient to say that the judge is the sole recipient of this activity. As can be seen with the views of that author should be limited only the task of interpretation to the judge, but others may be involved, which ultimately would be the contracting parties themselves, to be stakeholders in a conflict.

The rules of interpretation, in general, and as noted Planiol, are addressed to those who are obliged to observe and therefore also to the contracting parties, because they can previously be interpretive guidelines to account more accurately then make a legal transaction.

According to others and among them Messineo, provides that the rules are directed primarily to the parties, informing them how they should solve their differences in interpretation of the contract and that only in the event that their conflict reaches the courts, would also addressed the judge.

Given the disparity of views in relation to whom the interpretation of contracts, we must understand that these rules are aimed primarily no doubt the judge.

Nothing prevents the parties from the study of interpretative rules before agreeing a business legal contract and thereby determine which way a judge will eventually decide a dispute, because in our particular case the interpretative rules are embedded in the Civil Code.

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