Monday, January 12, 2009

Atv Truck Ramp Wood Connector

the accusations

"One way you speak, otherwise you live ...." Even before Christ the Roman philosopher Seneca, stated this is reflected in the attitude to this day certain accusers.


Famous Quotes

The biggest hindrance in life is waiting for the morning and the loss today.

matter much what you think of yourself that what others think of you.

is divided in three times the life: past, present and future. Of these, this is very short, the future uncertain, the past, right.

We dare not many things because they are difficult, but are difficult because we dare not make.

The language of truth should be, no doubt, simple and without tricks.

A man without passion is so close to the stupidity that just needs to open his mouth to fall into it.

who do not want to live, but between righteous living in the desert.

Friendship is always helpful, sometimes love hurts.

The height of unhappiness is afraid of something, when nothing expected.

Nature has given us the seeds of knowledge, not knowledge itself. Review

Philosopher Hispano. Belonged to a wealthy family in the province of the Roman Empire Andalusia. His father was a rhetorician of prestige, as dialectical skill was appreciated then by the Scholastics, and made sure that the education of his son in Rome include a strong background in the arts of rhetoric, but Seneca was equally attracted by the philosophy, receiving lessons from several teachers who started in the various forms of popular Stoic doctrine then in Rome. Embarked on a career politics, was a distinguished lawyer and was appointed quaestor.

His fame, however, upset Caligula, who was about to sentence him at 39. Going up the throne Claudio, 41, was banished to Corsica, accused of adultery with a niece of the emperor. Eight years later he was called back to Rome as tutor of the young Nero and when he succeeded Claudius in 54, became one of his top advisers, a post he held until, at 62, seeing his power diminished , retired from public life.

In 65 was accused of involvement in the conspiracy of Piso, with perspective according to some sources, succeed to the throne to Nero himself, he ordered suicide Seneca decision adopted as final release from the sufferings of this world, according to his own philosophy.

In general, his doctrine was that of the ancient Stoics, although in many respects, she joined her own personal vision and to the opposing school of thinkers such as Epicurus, who often quoted in terms Passing; made but this does not exemplify the eclectic spirit and synthetic characteristic of the "stoicism new" proper to its period, which was the greatest exponent.

Philosophy was for him a fundamentally practical matter, whose main objective was to direct men to virtue, informing them of the knowledge of the nature of the world and their place in it for that to make them capable of guiding their lives According to the divine. In this sense, logic and physics provide a foundation for ethics but do not take place, but are subordinate to it as they were already in ancient Stoicism, the latter, Seneca provides effort to persuade the duty applies to to act and think straight, rather than to prove the truth of a set of normative ethical statements.

It uses for this purpose vivid description of the benefits of virtue and the disadvantages of vice, on the understanding that all goods and evils of this world are transient self-sufficiency lies the true scholar, who, to get it, must free themselves from their emotions, judgments wrong about the value of things.

Seneca's moral tone is laden with religious accents are closer to theism and led to think about the possibility of being Christian, a fact he tried to prove through a supposed correspondence with St. Paul, who turned out to be apocryphal .

In his writings on natural science was, in particular the earthquakes and their relation to the volcanoes, but in general, collected the opinions of the ancients on various issues, added some interesting personal reflections, as the prediction of a future explanation of comets as true celestial bodies.

was also the author of nine plays, inspired by classical Greek models, which are, in fact, studies of emotional stress they are subjected to the characters, intended to be read rather than represented, likewise wrote a masterly and biting satire of the deification of the emperor Claudius.


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