Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Gaardus Bionicle Instructions

Wills Agreement

CHAPTER 2 .- Wills Agreement

If one party prepares the contents of the contract establishing their terms and the other party only accepts in its entirety this content, we face two positions :

a) One who claims that the unilateral will consolidate the legal act, the other party to only one recipient, therefore there is really a contract position that the author endorses.

b) On the other hand, under other current state that no longer exists the contract although the position of one party dominance in its implementation has without a priori can be established that there will defect.

doctrine and jurisprudence has leaned more to the second argument, and in systematically considered as contracts of adhesion in which the main obstacle is the agreement as a condition for the formation of contracts, and leaving a second flat object, such contracts are characterized by the form of acceptance and constitution. Theses that do not share as demonstrated in the following chapters and we intend to demonstrate our thesis.

continued on next post ....


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