Friday, March 18, 2011

Cleaning An Optical Trackball

BREATHING children's book

The editorial presents Labyrinth of the Arts on Friday March 25th at 18h in Cultural Room of Central Library of Zaragoza, his book The colors of Paul. Discovering ... Picasso, a new title art collection of short stories for kids @ s "Discovering ...".

The story, inspired by the series of The acrobats Malaga painter, reveals a very young Paul that includes excited the arrival of these artists to the town in their wagons, with their animals, their tents and brightly colored clothing. But suddenly, everything turns gray, the costumes of the artists lose their color and their hearts are invaded by a profound sadness ... Paul Is able to restore the color and joy?

Acrobats, harlequins, clowns ... All the magic of the circus will meet in this presentation, which will be attended by the author of the book, Kitty Wajs, who is also responsible for providing a storyteller for all attendees. In addition, we other surprises related to the circus and the spectacle of the company I was going cirkus ball and face-painting workshop. Do not miss it!

Presentation of the story for kids @ s colors Paul, Cati Wajs. Posted by Labyrinth Arts. Friday, March 25. 18h. Cultural Hall Central Library Zaragoza (C / Corona de Aragón 40, entrance C / Concepcion Arenal). Free entrance until full capacity.


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